This important anniversary was celebrated on May 17, at the residence of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Sofia. H. E. Mr. Paulo Roberto Campos Tarisse da Fontoura,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federative Republic of Brazil to the Republic of Bulgaria, gave a reception, which was attended by a select number of guests. In a brief but moving ceremony, the Ambassador highlighted and honoured the Embassy's longest-serving employees. This took place in front of the specially made anniversary board, which commemorated all the heads of the mission during these 50 years.
And here is a brief retrospective of our bilateral relations through the years.
Brazil was one of the first countries to recognize Bulgaria's independence on May 5, 1909. Diplomatic relations with Bulgaria were established by Decree No. 24,698, of July 12, 1934, through which Brazil's diplomatic mission with headquarters in Bucharest began to be exercised cumulatively with Bulgaria. The Plenipotentiary Minister of Brazil in Romania, Hildebrando Pompeu Pinto Accioly, presented his credentials as a non-resident representative of Brazil in Sofia, on November 17, 1934. Hildebrando Accioly was succeeded by the Plenipotentiary Minister of Brazil in Romania, José de Paula Rodrigues Alves, accredited as a non-resident representative in Sofia in 1937.
Brazil and Bulgaria suspended, although not officially severed, diplomatic relations during the Second World War. Between 1956 and 1961, Brazil and Bulgaria began negotiations, in Paris, Buenos Aires and Washington, to restore diplomatic relations. In 1961, the two countries reached an agreement, through an exchange of notes, in which Brazil and Bulgaria committed to opening legations. In the same year, a Bulgarian legation was opened in Rio de Janeiro, with the Plenipotentiary Minister of Bulgaria, Yordan Stefanov, presenting his credentials on June 15, 1962. The Brazilian Government appointed the first Extraordinary Envoy and Plenipotentiary Minister residing in Sofia, Armando Braga Ruy Barbosa, in 1963, according to Message No. 46 to the Federal Senate. In 1974, the legations of Brazil and Bulgaria were elevated to the status of Embassy.
As befitted a 50th anniversary, everybody was in a high spirit helped by the wonderful Brazilian fresh drinks as well as the wonderful catering with a Brazilian taste.
In the end of the event, on their way to go, the guests received a lovely gift to remember the occasion - the books "The Sad End of Policarpo Quaresma" by Lima Barreto and "Irasema" by José de Alencar.
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The pictures are delivered by the Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Bulgaria. Above - Mr. Paulo Roberto Campos Tarisse da Fontoura, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federative Republic of Brazil to the Republic of Bulgaria with Embassy officials during the ceremony; below - moments from the event.