They call her the „Azerbaijani Bulgarian“. Probably because this amazing woman treasures equally both Azerbaijan and Bulgaria. She is a historian and a professor, chairperson of the Association Support for Development of Azerbaijan-Bulgarian Friendship

, editor of the international journal „Accord“ in Baku and a lot more.

In late May and early June Maria Atanasova-Guseynova was in Bulgaria in connection with the project „Explaining the Karabakh Problem Among the Bulgarian Society“; she met with representatives of the community in Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas. On May 19, Maria Atanasova-Guseynova delivered a lecture to the students studying Azerbaijani language at the Center for Eastern Languages and Cultures at Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“. She presented the Azerbaijani perspective on the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in front of them. „Karabakh conflict entered the history of the 20th century as one of the most tragic. It influenced the fates of millions of people.“ She said and called for more publicity and awareness of the issue and its peaceful and recent settlement. She showed footage of the tragic consequences of the conflict, the attendees heard the poignant song „Mother of Children from Karabakh. Wipe the Tears of the Mothers“. Her narrative unnoticeably turned into an interesting discussion with the students.

Days later, Maria Atanasova-Guseynova met the citizens of Plovdiv, and presented the magazine „Accord“, of which she is the chief editor. It is issued in Baku on Bulgarian and promotes everything that happens in the Azerbaijani-Bulgarian relations. On its pages topics related to political, economic and cultural life of Azerbaijan and Bulgarian society are dealt with. As his editor she drew the attention to the fact that the Bulgarians in Azerbaijan are about 150 people: „They are Christians. And only in Baku there are three Christian churches. Favorite poem of all is „I am Bulgarian“. Maria Atanasova-Guseynova noted that 2016 was declared the year of multiculturalism in Azerbaijan and that all nationalities in the country live in a spirit of tolerance, understanding and cooperation. Therefore, „people should live in peace, the only way that is offered by our government as well is a peaceful solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.“

As a chairperson of the Association Support for Development of Azerbaijan-Bulgarian Friendship, Maria Atanasova-Guseynova met dozens of Bulgarians: cultural figures, politicians, MPs, journalists wishing to know her country better and to make future professional contacts with Azerbaijan. Her meetings were emotional and exciting, and her program - more than intense. Therefore, at the end of her visit the Azerbaijani with Bulgarian roots said that she has visited many interesting historical places in our country, met many people and leaves full of new ideas to implement.

Photo: Diplomatic spectrum“ magazine.

On it: Sofiya Shigayeva-Mitreska, director of the Centre for Azerbaijani Language and Culture, presents the guest lecturer Maria Atanasova-Guseynova to her students. In the middle - M. Mahir Jafarov, Conseiller in the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan