A brilliant soprano! An amazing piano! Anna Poghosyan and Margarita Sargsyan conquered the audience of the concert dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the great Armenian composer Komitas.
Organized by Parekordzagan/AGBU (Armenian General Benevolent Union) - Sofia, the concert was held under the honorary patronage of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia at the Republic of Bulgaria on September 13th at the Krikor Azarian Hall of the Armenian People's House.
The concert program included works by Komitas, Melikyan, Aprahamyan, Ganachyan, Adjemyan, Galanteryan, Berberyan, Mavisakalyan and Afrikyan. Of course, songs were mostly of Komitas (1869 - 1935). Known as a priest, musicologist, composer, singer, conductor and arranger, he is considered as the founder of the Armenian National Music School and is the pioneer of ethnomusicology. The Yerevan State Conservatory bears his name.
Both Anna Poghosyan and Margarita Sargsyan are graduates from Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan. Both have amazing creative biographies, have won many awards and are well known around the world. And we found out why. The voice of one lures, the virtuoso performances of the other captivate the audience.
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https://www.diplomaticspectrum.com/en/cultural-institutes/other/1508-a-concert-dedicated-to-the-150th-anniversary-of-komitas.html#sigFreeId6260776d22 |
Photos provided by AGBU - Sofia are by Marie Kanalian.
Above /left to right/: Anna Poghosyan /soprano/, Satenic Zirekianc, Advisor (Consular Affairs) to the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia, prof. Margarita Sargsyan /piano/, and Sonia Avakian-Bedrosian, Chairlady of honor of AGBU Sofia.