On June 27st, H. E. Ms. Nataša Bergelj, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Slovenia to the Republic of Bulgaria,

gave a reception at her residence St. Maria Magdalena Complex, Simeonovo on the occasion of the national holiday of the country. The Slovenian people celebrate it on June 25  - on this date in 1991, the independence of the country was declared. The event was attended by ministers and MPs, ambassadors and diplomats, political leaders and cultural figures, Slovenians and friends of Slovenia.

The reception started with the national anthems of Slovenia, Bulgaria and the EU, performed live by the Slovenian saxophone quartet ROYA Quartet.

In her speech, H. E. Ms. Nataša Bergelj emphasized the importance of the European Union for the democratic development and security of Slovenia. In this context, she pointed out that precisely because of this, the countries of the Western Balkans have no better alternative than the earliest possible EU membership. She added that the new geopolitical situation in the region no longer allows any political excuses against their further integration.

After the speech, the guests engaged in lively conversations, while a team of Slovenian chefs impressed them with wonderful specialties from the national cuisine of Slovenia.

The photos are provided by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Above: H. E. Ms. Nataša Bergelj, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Slovenia to the Republic of Bulgaria