A City of Professions and Skills will be set-up in every region of the Kingdom, said the Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Said Amzazi,
on 4th of April at the presentation session of the Roadmap for the development of the vocational training sector, chaired by H. M. King Mohammed VI.
These are multi-sectoral and multifunctional structures that will become a strategic lever for competitiveness and a major factor of the integration of the youth into the working life, he pointed out, adding that these new cities will focus on training that is in line with the specificities and potential of each region.
A particular focus will be given to tomorrow’s jobs, including digital-offshoring, he explained at the Royal Palace in Rabat, adding that these spaces will host specific structures, such as simulation centers and technological halls, in order to recreate the appropriate professional environment.
Training related to digital-offshoring jobs will be provided in the twelve regions of the Kingdom, while those related to artificial intelligence will be offered in the regions of Rabat-Salé-Kenitra and Casablanca-Settat, the minister said.
In accordance with the Royal instructions, these new Cities will be able to host and develop all the programs aimed at young people working in the informal sector, in order to strengthen their skills, particularly in languages, so that they can join the formal sector, Amzazi said.
The Cities of Professions and Skills will open their doors in September 2021, he added.
The material was provided by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in the Republic of Bulgaria.