An exhibition of the Polish applied design opened on the 28th of November, 2016 at the Polish Institute in Sofia.

Called Modern. Industry + Crafts, it is part of the collection of the Regional Museum in StalowaWola, and can be seen until the 31st of January this year. At its opening, the curators Paweł Grobelny and Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka presented the concept and all exposed exhibits in detail. They gladly answered the plentiful questions of the audience. Paweł Grobelny Grobelni is a designer and lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and in the School of Form in Poznaniu. Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka is a design critic, journalist and director of the Policy Board of the School of Form in Poznaniu.

"In our understanding, modernism, colloquially called "modern"in the title of the exhibition, is a way of thinking. A balance of form and function, sincerity of the material, combination of the repeatable industrial production and the neat craft detail. This collaboration between a designer an artisan and industry appeared to be the most important characteristic of the "modernist" thinking, which we can observe in modern design. Preparing the exhibition, we decided to introduce embedded Polish projects and concepts, implemented  in short series, in which even if the objects meet the same design concept, they differ because that is the characteristic of the chosen material or manner of production " (curatorial text by Paweł Grobelny and Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka).

Photos: Diplomatic Spectrum magazine

Curators Paweł Grobelny and Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka with Jaroslav Godun, director of the Polish Institute in Sofia during the opening of the exhibition